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Black & White Rug

Black & White Rug

With a rustic aspect, and at the same time sophisticated, choosing the black and white leather rug to decorate the environment is the ideal choice if you are looking for harmony and want to add value, sophistication and style to any piece. (He adapts and talks to any environment!)


In addition to being a classic and timeless item, another reason that leads the recurring search for architects and decorators for this item is its ability to balance the colors of the environment.


For example, if the piece is too dark, a light skin brings back the natural balance and brightens.


Because it is a natural product, it is important to note that leather has its own aroma and variations in tone and texture, among other characteristic features of each article.


These aspects, as well as natural marks of the field, wrinkles, scars and insect bites are not considered defects, but rather characteristic of the originality of the material, making it unique and its

Os tapetes de Couro da Empório levam ao seu ambiente um aspecto de elegância e requinte, eleger o tapete de couro Bege para decorar o ambiente é a escolha ideal se você está buscando harmonia e deseja agregar valor, sofisticação e estilo a sua decoração.

Tapetes de Couro além de serem um artigo clássico e atemporal são versáteis, se adaptam e conversam com qualquer ambiente!

Por ser um produto natural, é importante ressaltar que o couro apresenta variações na tonalidade e textura dentre outros aspectos característicos de cada artigo.

Características como marcas naturais do campo, rugas, cicatrizes e picadas de inseto não são considerados defeitos, mas sim característica de originalidade do material, tornando-o único e seu!

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